Thankful Thursday’s

DBF7EAD7-ACBF-44B2-AF2B-D9E8EA59BFD2This week I am thankful for life.  Specifically, my life.


Monday was my birthday! ?? I turned 34 years old (eek!)  If you would have asked me 5 years ago (even 2 years ago) if this is what my life would look like right now, I’d say you were crazy.. no way, that’s impossible! Haha.  Funny how life works though, huh!?  If you allow yourself to be open to life’s surprises, it sure can throw you some unexpected ones!

Life has truly taken me by surprise this past year.  It has surpassed all expectations I imagined for myself.  God has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams, and has truly granted me the desires (even the smallest ones) of my ??.  I am happy, I am at peace, I am beyond thankful.  I am where I am supposed to be, and it’s the best feeling.

Monday was a huge mix of emotions for me.  My parents left the night of my birthday, after a wonderful two weeks.  It was amazing to be able to share my Tanzanian life with them, and allow them to see how and why I fell in love with this place years ago… aaaannnnd.. I think they fell in love a little bit too 😉 ha.  Africa has a funny way of doing that to you….stealing a piece of your heart!!

So, while there were definitely tears shed saying good-bye, I left the airport with a sense of peace, joy and a happy heart.  And of course, a super supportive boyfriend by my side, wiping away the tears!

Here’s to turning 34!!  I know this year will be full of many more wonderful surprises and blessings! I know God will continue to bless me and guide me on this wild and crazy journey and lead me beyond my expectations.  I will continue to be grateful, everyday, for this beautiful life and promise to continue living it to the fullest!!

Thank you all for you beautiful birthday messages- your continued love and support is what keeps me going on the tough days!  Love you all more than you know!!

What are you thankful for today??

xo, Liz

Here’s some pics from my birthday dinner that my amazing boyfriend put on… he’s just the best!!


5 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday’s

  1. Happy Birthday, Liz!! Looks like you had a great celebration. Let me know when we can Skype sometime that works for you!

  2. Amazing, Liz! Wonderful post and photos 🙂 I couldn’t be more happy for you and your amazing journey!

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