Thankful Thursday’s

This week, my wonderful boyfriend gets the award!!!

So Joel, my love, this week …..


I’m basically thankful for him everyday, but this last week I am especially grateful for him!  I’m thankful that he was just as willing as I was to take a chance on this relationship, and was open to having a relationship that, at times, may be super difficult and complicated and overwhelming.  I’m thankful for his patience with me, and his willingness to listen and just let me cry sometimes (even though he hates that!).  I’m thankful that he is willing and open to doing things he never thought he’d be doing.. and even more willing to continue doing them even when there hasn’t been a great outcome!  I’m thankful for all the little things he does for me, and the things he does without me even asking….such as filling the gas in the car.. haha.. he knows I drive on empty all the time…oops!  (Dad and Matthew, I knew you’d feel his frustration on that one!)!!


I’m thankful to be his girlfriend, and to have someone who challenges me and inspires me daily.  He is truly one in a million and I am so lucky to have found him (even though he was VEEERRRRRRY far from me, and it took a while to find him.. it was all worth it!)

Nakupenda Sana mpenzi wangu!

What are you thankful for this week!?!


xo, Liz

4 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday’s

  1. Sounds like things are going well Liz. I also drive all the time with a “close to empty tank” and it drives Randy crazy.

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